Scheduled Maintenance
Keep your car running its absolute best
Auto mechanics all over the world agree on one thing; the key to keeping your car running its best is to adhere to the Manufacturer’s Scheduled Maintenance recommendations. These are not hard to follow, but in our everyday busy lifestyle sometimes these go unscheduled and unnoticed, until something happens.
A recent survey by the Car Care Council found:
- 25% of cars had low or dirty engine oil.Car Care Stats Infographic 2015
- 13% had low or contaminated brake fluid, leading to potential issues with the braking system
- 18% had dirty air filters, reducing performance
- 17% had inadequate cooling protection or low coolant levels, which lead to engine overheating
- 16% needed new windshield wiper and 27% had low or contaminated washer fluid
- 18% needed new belts
- Overall, 89% of vehicles were in need of at least one service or repair.
Come in and let’s make sure you’re covered.